African Child Outreach
Bringing Hope to Abandoned Children;
Providing Shelter, Food, Education
African Child Outreach
together with
Blessings Hope Mission
is Making a Difference
in the lives of
orphaned and abandoned children.
This is Praise (5yo) and Doricus (13yo)
Doricus and Praise anre the most recent additions to Blessings Hope Center.
They were rescued July 18, 2020 from a stepmother who tried to kill them with poison, and then she burned them with hot cooking oil.
Thanks to your donations, and to Pastor Sam and the Blessings Hope Center team, Doricus and Praise are safe and cared for. Their heartbreaking story has hope for a happy ending.
Thank you for giving!
Praise and Doricus Wafula
Buy one of Connie's Books and proceeds benefit the children we sponsor
This is Betti
I remember the 2015 bittersweet moment this picture was taken. Betti clung to me with tears in her eyes.She wanted to come home the U.S., with me.
My heart wanted to never let her go. I wanted to take Betti, and all the orphaned children home with me. I could not.
But I can continue to make a difference in their lives. And so can you!
Bettie Mukongo
These are Twins Linda and Lewis
Linda and Lewis were only 4 years old when Pastor Sam found them living on the streets of Kitalie, with a mother that was severely mentally handicapped. Their father had abandoned them.
Pastor Sam rescued them and brought them to their new home at Blessings Hope Center.
Today they are healthy and strong and in the honors program at school; and they both dream of being doctors when they grow up
Linda Mukhana and Lewis Mulongo
African Child Outreach
African Child Outreach
African Child Outreach
African Child Outreach
This is Nellie
Nellie is a beautiful young woman - but she almost didn't grow up.
She was just a child when Pastor Samuel rescued her from the streets of Kenya. She and her brother and sister had been abandoned, and were discussing among themselves whether or not to commit group suicide, when Pastor Sam happened upon them. He took them home....and that was the beginning of Blessings Hope Orphanage.
This smile and hug happened just after Nellie found out she is going to college; thanks to donations from generous people just like you!
Nellie Wafula
This is Hildah
At a young age Hildah was abandoned to live on the streets, by her mother and an abusive stepfather. Hildah's mother now cares for her husband's children, but will have nothing to do with Hildah. Pastor Samuel found her and brought her to Blessings Hope Center.
Hildah has some difficulty seeing, but is otherwise healthy. She loves to sing and is very bright, finishing 2nd in her latest class of 50.
Hildah Nasambu
This is Mildred
She is the youngest of 9 children.
Her father was working hard selling books, to care for his family, when in 2009 he traveled from Kitalie to Nairobi on a business trip. He never returned, and was assumed killed during post-election violence.
Mildred's mother did not have necessary resources to care for her children after that, and so regretfully asked Blessings Hope Center to care for Mildred, who is now working hard in school, and planning someday to be a teacher.
Mildred Atou
This is Grace
Grace's mother died in childbirth. Her father quickly abandoned her; her only other living relative was an aging grandmother who eventually did not have the strength or finances to care for her.
Grace's grandmother reached out Blessings Hope Center, asking them to care for her. She began to thrive under the care of the orphanage, and she is now strong and healthy, athletically competitive, and in college, studying to be a tailor
Grace Nanjala
Children of Blessings Hope Center Orphanage
Share Their Hopes and Dreams
Blessings Hope Children Enjoying a
Group Sing-A-Long With Connie 2015:
Your Donations Feeding Orphaned Children
The Children of Royal Kids School