ACO Partners:
As of May 18, 2020, visit for a report of funds collected and distributed
Funds collected and distributed from January 2016 until May 18, 2020 are listed below**
**Here is an Outline of How Your Donations
Have Been Making a Difference
Thank You!
ACO is a volunteer organization
Volunteers receive no compensation for their time or efforts
2019 Distribution of Funds:
December 2019
Total Raised: $
November 2019
Total Raised: $
October 2019
Total Raised: $0
September 2019
Total Raised: $0
August 2019
Total Raised: $637
Sent to Pastor Samuel to help build a new orphanage dorm room damaged
by flood waters
July 2019
Total Raised: $0
June 2019
Total Raised: $0
May 2019
Total Raised: $0
April 2019
Total Raised: $0
March 2019
Total Raised: $1500
$1500 Raised/Sent to Pastor Samuel to dig for new wells
February 2019
Total Raised: $2500
$1600 Raised/Sent to Pastor Samuel to buy water for all 6 wells that went dry at the orphanage
$630 Sent to Ken Muricho and Royal Kids Orphanage
January 2019
Total Raised: $900
$630 Sent to Pastor Samuel Wafula and Blessings Hope Orphanage
2018 Distribution of Funds:
December, 2018
Total Raised: $0
November, 2018
Total Raised:$0
October, 2018
Total Raised: $300
$250 Sent to Pastor Ken Muricho and Royal Kids Orphanage
September, 2018
Total Raised: $0
August, 2018
Total Raised: $0
July, 2018
Total Raised: $0
June, 2018
Total Raised: $0
May, 2018
Total Raised: $0
April, 2018
Total Raised:$0
March, 2018
Total Raised: $230
$880 Sent to Pastor Ken Muricho and Royal Kids Orphanage
February, 2018
Total Raised:$600
January, 2018
Total Raised: $1000
$950 Sent to Pastor Ken Muricho and Royal Kids Orphange
2017 Distribution of Funds:
December, 2017
Total Raised: $436
$436 provided for Pastor Samuel while he was studying sustainable farming
in the US for the benefit of Blessings Hope and other Kenyan pastors
November, 2017
Total Raised: 0
October, 2017
Total Raised: $250
$400 Sent to Pastor Ken Muricho and Royal Kids Orphanage
September, 2017
Total Raised: 0
August, 2017
Total Raised:$400
$400 Sent to Pastor Ken Muricho and Royal Kids Orphanage
July, 2017
Total Raised: 0
June, 2017
Total Raised:$330
May, 2017
Total Raised: 0
April, 2017
Total Raised:$400
$400 Sent to Pastor Ken Muricho and Royal Kids Orphanage
March, 2017
Total Raised: $1300
$1300 Sent to Pastor Samuel Wafula and Blessings Hope Orphanage
February, 2017
Total Raised: $350
$400 Sent to Pastor Ken Muricho and Royal Kids Orphanage
January, 2017
Total Raised: $700
$400 Sent to Pastor Ken Muricho and Royal Kids Orphanage
2016 Distribution of Funds:
December, 2016
Total Raised: $1500
$1100 provided a Christmas Day meal for orphans, and the homeless living on the lonely streets of Kitalie, Kenya; and provided Christmas gifts for more than 60 of Pastor Ken’s Royal Kids
$350 was sent to aid Pastor Samuel Wafula of Hope Blessings Centre
October, 2016
Total Raised:$750
$350was sent to Pastor Ken Muricho, to help him care for his Royal Kids
$350 helped to meet an unexpected financial need for Pastor Samuel Wafula of Hope Blessings orphanage; because of your generosity, the orphanage home and school to more than 160 children, remains open and safe
September, 2016
Total Raised: $800
$750 was sent to Pastor Ken Muricho, to help him care for his Royal Kids
August, 2016
Total Raised: $450
$400 was sent to Pastor Ken Muricho, to help him care for his Royal Kids
July, 2016
Total Raised: $300
$250 was sent to Pastor Ken Muricho, to help him care for his Royal Kids
June, 2016
Total Raised: $300
$250 was sent to Pastor Ken Muricho, to help him care for his Royal Kids
May, 2016
Total Raised: $300
$ 250 was sent to Pastor Ken Muricho, to help him care for his Royal Kids
April, 2016
Total Raised: $300
$250 sent to Pastor Ken Muricho, to help him care for his Royal Kids
March, 2016
Total Raised: $300
International Bank Transfer fees: $50
$250 sent to Pastor Ken Muricho, to help him care for his Royal Kids
February, 2016
Total Raised: $300
$250 was sent to Pastor Ken Muricho, to help him care for his Royal Kids
January, 2016
Total Raised: $400
ACO sends our first “official” donation collection of $350 to Pastor Ken Muricho, to help him care for his Royal Kids
December, 2015
No money raised this month
Costs to set up the ACO foundation was provided by the founders
African Child Outreach (ACO) was launched with the sole purpose of aiding the efforts of two of the pastors we met in Kenya, Pastor Ken Muricho and Samuel Wafula, both of whom have rescued multiple children from the plight of the dangerous Kenyan streets. (Learn more about Pastor Ken and his "Royal Kids", and Pastor Sam and "Blessings Hope Centre", by clicking on the "About ACO" link, above
September 2015
Total Raised: $1450
100% of the donations were taken to Kenya in the form of cash and/or gifts
We purchased track suits, arts and crafts supplies to take with us; while in Kitalie we purchased medical supplies
We were able to provide some money towards helping one of the older children (Nellie) to reach her goal of going to college. (Learn more about Nellie, by clicking on the "About ACO" link; Nellie is featured in the "All Children Have Dreams" video)
While in Kenya, we met and interacted with more than 200 orphaned and impoverished children; witnessed still-waiting-to-be rescued children living on the streets; and we formed friendships with men and women who are working to make a difference.
May, 2015
The journey began with an invitation from Pastor Samuel Wafula. He contacted Connie and asked her to speak at a conference in Kitalie, Kenya, Africa. Over the next few months, through emails and phone calls Connie learned that the conference, which was to be attended by 400+ men and women, would be held at a place called Blessings Hope Centre; a place of refuge for many orphans who had been abandoned to live alone on the dangerous streets. It became clear that it was not just a conference she was called to; Connie and her team were being given an opportunity to help children in need; and the need was great.
As of May 18, 2020, ACO (African Child Outreach) is partnering with FGC and Blessings Hope Mission in order to raise additional funds for our precious children
Partners of ACO from January, 2016 until May 18, 2020 are listed below.
Thank you!!! We hope you will continue to give!
Thank You For Giving!
Names are in alphabetical order, by first name
Afrodita Zamifiexc-Marisca Portland, OR
Betsy Hazel FB
Carl and Ruth Christiansen Vancouver, WA
Caroline Perkins Metzenberg FB
Cedar Creek Church, Sherwood, OR
Claudette Bolter Kayne FB
Connie Christiansen OR
Dana Kruss FB
Darlene Maxwell Jacobs FB
Darrell Owen Sunriver, OR
David Bell FB
Debbie Atkins FB
Debbie Mitchell Beaverton, OR
Diane Hansen FB
Doreen Davis OR
Doris (Dee) Bedsole Clackamas, OR
Doug Proffitt FB
Eartha Green Tigard, OR
Fran Newham Sherwood, OR
Gail Denham FB
Hailey De Marre FB
Jane Neuharth OR
Janet Harpole Albany, OR
Janna Marshall Clackamas, OR
Jenine Williamson FB
Jennifer Hulzz FB
Jere Witherspoon FB
Jill Peaon FB
Joanne Duffy Bennett FB
Joanne Phillips Portland, OR
Joyce Hanlin Medford, OR
Judy Andrews Sherwood, OR
June Rodman Portland, OR
Kay Howard
Kerri Veach FB
Linda Day Sherwood, OR
Linnea Zednik Gladstone, OR
Marchia Mehlhaff FB
Maria Theodorou FB
Marie Matthews Medford, OR
Marie Robison FB
Marlene O'Rourke FB
Marnie Swedberg FB
Maryl Smith
Maryl Smith Aloha, OR
Melinda Leivi Tigard, OR
Mick Ewers FB
Nelva Sherwood OR
Linda Smith Sherwood OR
Network Solutions
Pat Wilson CO
Raina Proske Eureka, CA
Rhonda DavisWhitmore WA
Ron and Sandy Arlt
Rosalie Vogel FB
Sandra Gardner FB
Sandy D’Entroment
Sharon O'Neal
Sherry Stephens Tigard, OR
Terri Harpole Fletcher Albany, OR
Terry Hopkins FB
Tim Smith Aloha, OR
Toni Wood DPeel
Zenith Corporation Santa Ana, CA
If you have donated, and do not see your name on this list, please let us know and we will add you! Thanks to all of you who have given and prayed for these precious children!